I'm Diamonick Dunn💎
Hi!👋 I'm Diamonick Dunn. I'm a full-time game designer w/ a passionate interest in making fun & unique games in the Unity game engine. I'm proficient in game design, pixel/vector art creation, and C# programming.
I started learning the basics of video game design by creating simple prototypes and fangames in GameMaker 8.1 (currently called GameMaker Studio 2). In late 2019, I fully transitioned from GameMaker Studio 2 to Unity, and it has opened my eyes to endless possibilities!
Currently, I create/publish tools and art assets (2D pixel & vector) to the Unity Asset Store and itch.io respectively.


Louisiana State University
Bachelor of Science - BS, Computer Science
2016 - 2020
Grade: 3.47
- Minor: Digital Media AVATAR Arts

Central High School
High School Diploma
2012 - 2016